2nd grade STEM

Students in 2nd grade particiapte in STEM with a program called PLTW (Project Lead the Way).  In this module, students investigated and classified different kinds of materials by their observable properties, including color, texture, and heat conduction. After analyzing data from materials testing, the students designed an insulating cover for an ice pop to prevent melting.

Student created a way to prevent landslide erosion.
Students coded their very own video game using Scratch Jr.  Then they shared their games with Kdg and 1st grade.
Students created creatures out of Pony beads that change color when exposed to UV rays.  Then they designed a way to keep their creatures safe outside.
Students are computer programming (Coding) with an iPad application called Scratch Jr.
Students are testing their design to see if it was able to keep an ice pop frozen for 30 min. They measured how much the ice pop melted.
Students tested a variety of materials and classified the material either as good or poor at conducting heat.
Students are creating designs to keep their ice pops cold for 30 min.  After that, they measured and compared them. What worked?  What didn't work?  How can it be improved?
Students will design, prototype, and test a product to insulate a frozen dessert.