Student Websites
- Classroom Resources
- Science Textbook Online - (User Name: prms15, Password: student15)
- Discovery Education - Free Student Resources
- Brain Pop
- NewsELA (create an account by using the following class code: DB59VA) or use (username: prstudent password: prstudent)
- ScienceWorld Magazine (Student Login: pioneerrms1516)
- Web Resources for Research
- Choose Kids Search or Student Research Center
- Inquiry/Problem Solving
- SET daily online puzzle
- Create a Graph
- Online spring scale (tool to determine force)
- Universe/Astronomy
- The 2015 Equinoxes, Solstices and Seasons
- Total solar eclipse in North America on August 21st, 2017
- 12-month Lunar Calendar for 2015
- Gravity - The Moon Olympics
- Journey Into Space - Gravity, Orbits and Collisions
- NASA - The Space Place
- NASA Science News: Colorful Lunar Eclipse - October 8th
- NASA - Solar System Exploration
- GRAIL MoonKAM (Moon Knowledge Acquired by Middle school students)
- The Scale of the Universe around us
- Your age on other worlds
- Review Games - Seasons (Other subjects available)
- Review Games - Moon Phases (other subjects available)
- Earth Systems - Rock Cycle
- The Science of Earthquakes
- PBS Media Learning - Plate Tectonics
- National Geographic: Using fossil evidence to make inferences about prehistoric times
- How Plate Tectonics Work - In two-and-a-half minutes. You're Welcome.
- Earth Systems - Weather & Climate
- National Weather Service
- Weather Underground
- El Nino 2015-2016 Forecast
- NBC Action News Weather Blog
- Sky watcher chart - clouds
- Thunderstorms...Tornadoes...Lightning - A Prepardness Guide
- Basic Spotters Field Guide - NOAA
- Layers of the Atmosphere
- Air Pressure simulation
- Windward
- SciJinks-Wild Weather Adventure
- Weather WebQuest
- EdHeads
- Impact of Science, Technology, and Human Activity Research Websites
Nuclear Power:
Wind Turbines:Penicillin:Cell Phones:Automobiles:
7-2 Teacher Websites
Ms. Sager's & Ms. Carrico's website