Membership Recruitment
What is PTA at Sugar Creek?
PTA is a program that sponsors kids to do events, i.e.…field trips, field day, classroom parties, & holiday events. We are looking for parents that are able to come to a meeting once a month to help plan upcoming activities.
What does your PTA Membership do for your student & school?
Your PTA Membership pays for school field trips, helps classroom parties, field day, and holiday activities.
Who can sign up for a PTA Membership?
Anyone can sign up! Moms, Dads, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, & even businesses!
What does a business PTA Membership provide?
This is an opportunity for your business to market themselves to the community. It is a tax write-off for your business. And you are doing all of this while supporting the students of Sugar Creek Elementary. 