Business Academy: Design Pathway

7110: Introduction to Visual Arts (0.5 credits FAR, Gr. 9-12)

Introduction to Visual Arts is a course that is designed for all students to review or learn basic knowledge of art by mastering the competencies Art History, Art Criticism, Aesthetics, and Art Production.  Students will learn the elements and principles of art, know how to use them, and create pieces of artwork that display this knowledge.  In addition, they will be participating in subject-related read- in and writing activities and will have outside the class assignments.  Students will be expected to solve problems using higher-order thinking skills. This is the initial career pathway to many fields in fine arts and is the prerequisite for all future art courses. 

6105: Interior Design I (0.5 credit PAR, Gr. 10-12)
Prerequisite: Introduction to Visual Arts


Interior Design I is designed to introduce students to the professional, technical, and aesthetic aspects of the interior environment. It will provide students with applied design principles and elements, traditional drafting methods, and current industry standard technology.  Students will produce technical drawings and prepare presentation plans, as well as exploring career opportunities in the field of Interior Design.

6106: Interior Design II - Dual Credit (0.5 credit PAR, Gr. 10-12)
Prerequisite: Interior Design I
Interior II is for students who have the desire to learn about the interior design profession.  All aspects of Interior Design I are continued in this course including current industry standard technology and evidence based design. Interior Architecture & Design II will address the proficiencies required for a college level program or an entry-level skill position in Interior Design.


NEW: Interior Design III (0.5 credit PAR, Gr. 12)
Prerequisite: Interior Design II
Interior III is for students who have the desire to learn about the interior design profession.  All aspects of Interior Design I and II are continued in this course including current industry standard technology and evidence based design.