Student Wellness Policy


Local wellness policies are an important tool for parents, local education agencies (LEAs) and school districts in promoting student wellness, preventing and reducing childhood obesity, and providing assurance that school meal nutrition guidelines meet the minimum federal school meal standards. Section 204 of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, Public Law 111-296, expands the scope of wellness policies; brings in additional stakeholders in its development, implementation and review; and requires public updates on the content and implementation of the wellness policies.

As of School Year 2006-2007, all districts were required to establish a local school wellness policy. For School Year 2011-2012, LEAs are encouraged to review their local wellness policies and begin implementing the new requirements.

Information provided by the USDA - United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service.


Policy #2750: Independence School District Student Wellness

District Student Wellness Vision Statement

The District promotes healthy schools by supporting wellness, good nutrition, and regular physical activity as part of the total learning environment. The District supports a healthy environment where children learn and participate in positive dietary and lifestyle practices. Schools contribute to the basic health status of children by facilitating learning through the support and promotion of good nutrition and physical activity. Improved health optimizes student performance potential.  The goals of the District's wellness policy are as follows:

  • Provide a comprehensive learning environment for developing and practicing lifelong wellness behaviors.
    The entire school environment, not just the classroom, shall be aligned with healthy school goals to positively influence a student's understanding, beliefs, and habits as they relate to good nutrition and regular physical activity. A healthy school environment should not be sacrificed because of a dependence on revenue from high added fat, high added sugar, and low nutrient foods to support school programs.
  • Support and promote proper dietary habits contributing to student's health status and academic performance.
    All foods available for purchase on school grounds and at school-sponsored activities during the instructional day should meet or exceed the district nutrition standards. Emphasis should be placed on foods that are nutrient dense per calorie. To ensure high quality, nutritious meals, foods should be served with consideration toward variety, appeal, taste, safety, and packaging.
  • Provide more opportunities for students to engage in physical activity.
    A quality physical education program is an essential component for all students to learn about and participate in physical activity. Physical activity should be included in a school's daily education program from grades K through 12. Physical activity should include regular instructional physical education, co-curricular activities, and recess.
  • The District is committed to improve academic performance.
    Educators, administrators, parents, health practitioners, and communities should consider the critical role student health plays in academic stamina and performance and adapt the school environment to ensure students' basic nourishment and activity needs are met.
  • Establish and maintain a District-wide Student Wellness Advisory Council with the purposes of:
    1. Developing guidance to this policy
    2. Monitoring the implementation of this policy
    3. Serving as a resource to school sites


Independence School District

© 2025 Independence School District
201 North Forest Avenue
Independence, Missouri 64050
(816) 521-5300
Last Update: Thursday, October 24, 2013 12:46:38