Google Calendars for Schools

Public Calendar

The interactive calendar is live on the district web site. Don't leave your school's calendar blank and desolate, start adding events. If you have questions or need help, check out the sections below.

Coming Soon: I'll start working on the Calendar interface for school web sites next. Hopefully, that will be available as an additional block late next week.


Google Calendars

This year we are migrating all of our public-facing calendars to Google Calendars. Google Calendars is a free service that will allow our users to select and view specific calendars, one's important to them, from any of our public-facing calendars. 

Each school has a public-facing Google Calendar. Every Principal has access to that calendar. Principals can also add other staff members as Calendar Managers. To do so, email the helpdesk and let them know who should have access to add events and which school calendar to which they should have access.


Tutorials & How-To

If you are having trouble accessing or using Google Calendars to update events for a school calendar please try downloading and reviewing the How To Guide.

If, after reviewing the guide, you are still having trouble, email me and I will be happy to help.