ISD Web Development


You've stumbled upon the humble website of the district web developer. My goal with this site is to provide status updates on projects that affect district staff members. I'll also try to provide tips and tricks for using district technology services.


Current Projects

ISD Sites EditorA user friendly web-based website editor for teachers and staff of the Independence School District. Setup your site and start adding content in a few simple steps. Recent Updates

Digital Administrator Evaluations  - A paperless system for central office administrators to perform principal evaluations. The rubric-based evaluations can be done on a tablet device and allows the principal to see the document digitally once it has been completed.

Teacher Walkthrough Forms - A paperless system that allows principals and central office administrators to perform classroom walkthroughs to assess student learning. The system allows administrators to quickly gather information on a mobile tablet devices. Once gathered, the information can be filtered and gathered to quickly identify patterns and issues.

Online Field Trip Request Form - A paperless form that allows teachers to make requests for field trips and have them digitally approved by the nurse, their building administrator, as well as transportation. Alerts are sent to the nutrition services manager as well as the secretary so everyone stays in the loop. Special workflows will make it easier for ADs to schedule sports practices and games.

Google Calendars For SchoolsBy using Google's Calendar service, we can merge all of the school calendars into one and allow users to choose which calendars they would like to see.