
Classroom Walkthroughs Updates

2014-01-08 - I was alerted today that there was an issue with walkthroughs not saving. The problem has been identified and corrected. There are 15 walkthroughs that were saved before the issue was resolved. It is possible to reconnect these walkthroughs to the proper accounts if there is enough unique detail for administrators to tell them apart.

2013-12-27 - The classroom walkthroughs site has been separated from the admin evaluations website. This will make it easier to maintain the code base and keep a separation of concerns between user accounts. All of the walkthroughs from the old site have been migrated to the new site and user accounts have been updated so there should be no issues using the new site. The walkthrough website is now located at http://apps2.isdschools.org/walkthroughs.

New Features

The migration of the walkthroughs site also included a new feature to detect and merge duplicate walkthroughs. When users (capable of performing walkthroughs) log into the system a scan of the user's walkthroughs will be conducted. Walkthroughs will be flagged as duplicate if the following criteria are met:

  • The documents were created by the same user
  • The documents were observing the same user
  • The year, month, day, and hour of the walkthrough creation date are the same

Once detected, the user has the opportunity to preview each set of duplicate walkthroughs and pick which one will remain. 


System Status: Running Normally