Business Management Pathway

5101: Introduction to Business (0.5 credit, Gr. 9- 12)

This introductory course is designed to give students an understanding of business practices.  It serves as a background of information for those students who plan to continue with other business courses and as a general information course for personal use. It includes a study of such areas as the free enterprise system, economics, exploring business careers, consumerism, and the computer's role in business


5119: Management (1 credit, grade 10-12)

Prerequisite: Introduction to Business or any other business course

This course introduces business practices and structure between all levels of an organization. Students are encouraged to approach their work from an entrepreneurial perspective, and focus on the value that an employee can bring to the company.


5120: Youth Entrepreneurs 1 (1 credit, Grade 11-12)

Prerequisite: Introduction to Business or any other business course.

 This course is designed to offer practical training and experience to students in the field of entrepreneurship and management. Students will gain an appreciation for business and free enterprise, complete a business plan, and have an understanding of the components for a successful business. Through team activities, computer simulations, hands-on experience, Market Day, Dare to Dream, and competitions, students are challenged to start their own business, enhance their business skills for future career opportunities, and continue into higher education. This class will be conducted in partnership with area businesses and Youth Entrepreneurs, which is affiliated with the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship.


5207: Marketing (1 credit, Grade 12)

This course will allow students the opportunity to spend time in various internship placements in businesses throughout the Kansas City Metro Area and is designed to provide students with an introduction to marketing concepts, interpersonal skills, economic concepts, selling, marketing operations, advertising-sales promotion, and employment -advancement. This course will also provide students the opportunity to participate in DECA, an association for marketing students, and attend a career conference.