Microsoft Office Specialist Pathway

5101: Introduction to Business (0.5 credit, Gr. 9- 12)

This introductory course is designed to give students an understanding of business practices.  It serves as a background of information for those students who plan to continue with other business courses and as a general information course for personal use. It includes a study of such areas as the free enterprise system, economics, exploring business careers, consumerism, and the computer's role in business.


5111: Microsoft Office I (0.5 credit, Gr. 9-12) (Vocational title—Computer Business Applications I)

Prerequisite:  2nd semester freshmen may enroll after completing Keyboarding Applications

Students will be prepared for home use, college work, and the business world in addition to learning a skill for their current high school assignments.  Students will be introduced to spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel and to databases using Microsoft Access. Advanced projects will be completed in Microsoft Word. In addition students will complete projects combining all three pieces of software.


5112: Microsoft Office II (0.5 credit, Gr. 10-12) (Vocational title Computer Business Applications II)

Prerequisite:  Microsoft Office I

Students will advance the skills learned in Microsoft Office I and will add the new skill of PowerPoint. PowerPoint is a graphics presentation program designed to help students produce interesting and effective presentations that are useful both in school and in business. Advanced projects in Word, Excel, and Access will be included as well as projects which combine Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint.