Programming & Software Development Pathway

Programming & Software Development Pathway

3200: Technology and Information Management (0.5 Credit, Gr. 9-12)

This course is an introduction to the computer science field. Students will be given the chance to create simple mobile applications using App Inventor. This will give a basic introduction to programming. There will also be an opportunity to work with basic html. Students will be given the chance to see how they can influence society by reviewing current trends. I over view of how to do some basic graphics will also be included in the course.


3202: Application Development (0.5 credit, Gr. 9-12)

Prerequisite: Technology and Information Management

Students will be given the chance to work more in depth with the program App Inventor. They will be able to look at the applications that are currently trending, and evaluate how efficient that application is to the consumer. They will be able to suggest ideas of how to improve, and develop their own apps. This course offers the students a better understanding of how to design an application, create the code for programming, and an understanding of how to create a program to serve a specific function. This course is designed to help prepare the students for advanced object oriented programming languages like Visual Basic, C++, and Java.


3204: HTML5/CSS3 (2 credits, Gr. 10-12)

Prerequisite: Passed both Computer Graphics I & II

The students that will be taking this course will be introduced to HTML5 and CSS3. These are essential in development and understanding of the structure of a web site. This course will cover how to build, maintain, update, secure, standards used, and ethics of when creating a web site. Students will also be able to incorporate their knowledge of Adobe Photoshop into their designs for their web sites. Finally, they can feel confident publishing a professional looking web site to the World Wide Web. (Dual college credit opportunity)


3511: Introduction to Computer Programming (1 credit, Gr. 11-12)

Prerequisite: Passing grade in Algebra I or Geometry I

This course will follow Application Development. It will give an opportunity for students to get a beginning understanding of object oriented programming using C++.Net. Emphasis will be on programming methodology, data structures, algorithms, computer systems, and responsible use of computer systems. Applications that are developed in this course will be in the areas of Math, English, and business. (Dual college credit opportunity)


3208: Intermediate Computer Programming (1 credit, Gr. 12)

Prerequisite: Passing grade in Introduction to Computer Programming

When taken after Introduction to Computer Programming, it will build on the knowledge they have already received. They will advance their knowledge in C++.Net. This college level class places an even stronger emphasis on programming, methodology, data structures, algorithms, computer systems and responsible use of computer systems. Students will be challenged to work in teams and use abstract thinking to solve real world problems. (Dual college credit opportunity)


3501: Computer Graphics I (0.5 credit, Gr. 10-12)

Prerequisite: Passing grade in Introduction to Multimedia

Students will be introduced to the program Photoshop. Photoshop is an advanced digital imaging and design software that is a leader in the field of graphics. They will be asked to develop complex images and designs, create logos and vector art, and keep a portfolio of all their work. This course will require the student be able to type efficiently. They will need to be able to remember a complex series of directions, memorize commands, and determine when the best time to use these techniques will be.


3502: Computer Graphics II (0.5 credit, Gr. 10-12)

Prerequisite: Passing grade in Computer Graphics II

From what they have learned in Computer Graphics I, each student will be able to more effectively work with the program Photoshop. These courses could help promote the students toward careers doing photographic art, advertising design, new media, and video. It will also visit some elements of other Adobe product capabilities that can be used in conjunction with Photoshop.


3210: Web Server Scripting (1 credit, Gr. 12)

Prerequisite: Passing grade in HTML/CSS3

In this course, the students will get the chance to look at the dynamic side of web sites. Scripting languages like ASP or PHP will be used with MySQL to help create a database driven web site. The tools that they will learn in this course will help them build content management systems that are easy to update and maintain for web sites.