Contact Us

Email the Kids' Safari Site Coordinator by clicking on their name or call using the phone numbers listed below!

Hanthorn (Pre-K only): Becky Masters (816) 521-5486

Bingham/Bridger/Pioneer Ridge: Hannah Gregory - (816) 521-5537

Bryant:  Nathan Wall - (816) 521-5403

Blackburn: Katelyn Lukowski - (816) 521-5398

Cassell Park: Victoria McGuire - (816) 521-5542

Fairmount: Erica Schadegg - (816) 521-5408

Glendale:  Jordan Booze - (816) 521-5513

Korte: Victoria McGuire - (816) 521-5433

Little Blue: Nick Elkins - (816) 521-5483

Luff: Korey Postoak - (816) 521-5418

Mallinson: Rodney Joiner - (816) 521-5532

Mill Creek: Addison Palmer - (816) 521-5423

Ott: Addison Palmer - (816) 521-5438

Santa Fe: Dana Crosby - (816) 521-5452

Spring Branch: Nathan Wall - (816) 521-5458

Sugar Creek: Rodney Joiner - (816) 521-5463

Sycamore Hills: Kendall Rust - (816) 521-5468

Three Trails: Erica Schadegg - (816) 521-5473

William Southern: Colin Brightwell - (816) 521-5478

Benton, Randall, Procter: Open for full day care on combined site days. Call 816-521-5300 to sign up!

Central Office: (816) 521-5300