Tutoring FAQ

What has changed?

  1. The name has changed from ISD Tutoring Log to Student Contact Log.
  2. Tutoring can now include Reading Improvement Plan (RIP) and non-RIP students in the same session.
  3. All student contact activities will be entered in the system.
  4. Club Activities through Inspiring Greatness will be entered in the system and imported to WorkForce each Monday.
  5. Inspiring Greatness will be paid with each pay period instead of June.
  6. All activities through Career Ladder that include student contact (tutoring, clubs, family involvement) will be entered in the system and imported to WorkForce each Monday.

What is the minimum number of students for each work order type to receive pay?

  1. Career Ladder sessions require one student. For tutoring the student must qualify as remedial.
  2. Homebound, Detention, and Credit Recovery require one qualifying student.
  3. Tutoring sessions (except Career Ladder) need to have at least four (4) qualifying students.
  4. Inspiring Greatness Student Activity Clubs must have at least six (6) students.

Can I backdate a session?

It is important to enter all sessions as they occur. However, if needed, you can enter sessions up to 14 days after the session date. Career Ladder sessions can be backdated to May 1 until November 23.

Can I backdate an application for extra work?

No. Applications for all extra work jobs must be submitted and approved prior to any sessions beginning. The only exception is Career Ladder can submit theirs after their Career Ladder plan is submitted.

Has the minimum number of students changed for tutoring paid by Title I?

Yes. Tutoring sessions are no longer paid through Title I. All tutoring sessions except Career Ladder now require four qualifying students for pay.

Can I use Inspiring Greatness for tutoring pay?

Beginning August 2016, tutoring not paid by a grant is paid through Inspiring Greatness. Tutoring will follow the same rules as it has in the past and not those for Inspiring Greatness Student Activity Clubs. That means you can tutor more than 30 hours per approved Tutor work order, must have four qualifying students attend, and will be paid the applicable Tutor work rate.

Are all approved Inspiring Greatness Activities entered in the system?

No. Only Inspiring Greatness activities that have student contact.

How many activities and hours can I be paid for Inspiring Greatness Activity Clubs?

Each Student Activity Club approved through Inspiring Greatness is limited to 30 hours per activity. The Assistant Superintendents review the merit of all Student Activity Club applications and approve or deny them based on merit and available funding.

Where do I get instructions on how to use the system?

Instructions on how to use the system are in a Help menu option. Prompts will display when errors occur.

What are the basic steps in the system?

The basic steps are: (1) setup your student Group; (2) add known students to the Group; (3) run a Session; (4) add students to a session if not previously in the Group; (5) ensure students are timed in and out; (6) update remedial and other qualifiers; (7) end the session; and (8) if needed, edit hours.

How do I pick the right Work Order?

Your approved Work Orders will be in the dropdown list. Be sure to pick the one that matches the student contact session purpose and content area.

What if I entered information in the system without a work order?

To be paid for the time, you will need to go to Past Sessions, edit each session by selecting the appropriate Work Order in the dropdown box, setting the appropriate qualifiers on each student, and saving the changes.

What student contact types are tracked in the system?

Student sessions for Tutoring, Homebound, Detention, Credit Recovery, and Student Activity Clubs are tracked in the system. These include all pay sources including state, federal, Career Ladder, and Inspiring Greatness. Student qualifiers have been added to identify homebound, detention, and non-remedial students. It is important to track hours affecting student achievement and meeting advancement requirements. In addition, some qualifying hours outside of school hours can qualify for additional funding.

Why is it necessary to know the content area?

The content area is necessary for required reporting on tutoring provided to funding sources. What qualifies student tutoring time as remedial? Student tutoring time can qualify as remedial if the student meets a state or local defined qualifier. Qualifiers are one of the following assessments related to the content being tutored at the end of the prior year or during the current year: (1) at or below Basic on the MAP or EOC; (2) below grade level on a district assessment such as STAR; (3) grades 3-6 two grade levels below on a district reading assessment, or (4) at risk of failing a required class for grade promotion or graduation.

What if the student qualifier improves within the school year?

Once a student meets a qualifier, it will remain in place until the next school year to ensure it is not a temporary improvement.

Can I combine Reading Improvement Plan (RIP) and non-RIP students in the same session?

Yes. All tutoring this year is paid by non-federal sources so Reading Improvement Plan (RIP) tutoring hours can be in the same session as other remedial tutoring hours.

What if a student drops by that does not match the primary purpose or content area being tutored?

It is okay to let the student stay and be tutored. Be sure to set their remedial qualifier based on what they are actually being tutored.

Can I combine different session types?

No. You must pick the work order that matches the student contact session purpose and content area. Each work order has its own rules for student qualification and extra work rate. You cannot be paid twice for the same hours of work.

Can I choose a different work order if I do not have enough students to qualify for pay?

Generally the only time another viable work order is available, is if you have a work order also setup for career ladder for the same type of session. In this case, you can change to the similar career ladder work order, just make sure the qualifiers are set appropriately.

Can I track students without getting paid?

Yes. You may choose to use the system to track all tutoring time including non-remedial, just do not choose a work order. You must still choose the appropriate qualifiers related to the session for each student. This helps identify if the hours may qualify for additional funding for the district.